This is an introductory stock market education program, designed to give the student a
basic understanding of a brokerage account, stock trade, and publicly held company
share values with respect to the competition, personal values and risk profile. It is not
education to become a stock broker, but the basics for making your own stock trades.
This does not include IPO or young companies with no financial history.
This course does not include cryptocurrency trades, however a series of videos from the
Bitcoin Summit that Workforce Millionaire hosted are available for viewing by all Stock
Market U participants, to learn the basic terminology and workings of cryptocurrency.
3 months of coaching: Three private 40-minute sessions, three one-hour group
One 30-minute private coaching session at your request no less than one month
post graduation
One or more program accountability Buddies
Money Archetypes Review (pdf)
Access to Brokerage Accounts Evaluation/Comparison (US Brokerage
Confidential access to videos showing real stock market buys & sells by the
Reference Guide: The Magic Ten
Access to Stock Market U User group on WhatsApp
Access to Lisa Bennett through email for questions regarding the program and its
Access to Bitcoin Summit interviews, for informational use only.
One-time Payment
Enroll with another student and pay $2100 for both—(25% off each enrollment).
Lisa Bennett has been in the US stock market since 1981. She is a graduate of UC Davis, Pepperdine University, and Stanford University. She became a very active investor in 2001, the year her first child was born, increasing her portfolio dramatically and eventually diversifying into real estate in the US and abroad. She is in the top 3% of Americans for net wealth.
She has been teaching Stock Market U fundamentals since 2018, to people aged 16 to 65. Stock Market U graduates
who fully participate see high increases in their portfolios, and we ask you to commit to the meetings described above and approximately 4 hours of personal research per month while in the program.